23 to 25 September 2025 efa:ON
Round & Square 90
We proudly present the new EGLO Professional-Light ROUND & SQUARE from the world of professional lighting solutions. EGLO ROUND & SQUARE stands for the latest technology trends paired with high-quality design and well thought-out
functionality. EGLO ROUND & SQUARE comes to the market in an almost limitless variety - thanks to a well thought-out product development, EGLO ROUND & SQUARE is very flexible and adapts to almost all needs of your project:
from desired colour, combination of different colours and surfaces to the integration of various building blocks and much more. With our huge range, our fair prices and our high quality standards, we at EGLO Professional-Light are the right partner for your next project in every respect.
Create your lighting worlds with professional lighting solutions from EGLO.


Mr. Timm Wegener
Key-Account-Manager EGLO Leuchten Handels GmbH


EGLO Leuchten Handels GmbH

Kleinbahnstraße 35
59759 Arnsberg

Phone: +49 02932 6269306

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